Mit Abu Khaled Secondary School For Boys

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
Mit Abu Khaled Secondary School For Boys


    Writing Paragraphs & Letters + Translation


    عدد المساهمات : 127
    تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2010

    Writing Paragraphs & Letters + Translation Empty Writing Paragraphs & Letters + Translation

    مُساهمة  Admin الأحد يناير 24, 2010 2:55 am

    Some expressions for Paragraphs
    1- There is no doubt that ……………………….. plays an
    important role in our life.
    2- We can’t deny that ----------------- has a very
    important effect on our life.
    3- On the other hand -------
    4- Firstly ------------------------------ 5- finally --------------------
    6- Shortly ------------------------------------
    Write a paragraph of seven sentences about
    1-“The advantages and disadvantages of
    (computer) (television)(air travel)”

    2- “Summer camps for students”
    3- How to protect our environment from

    4-How to spend your leisure (free) time.
    5-A visit you have made to a tourist sight in
    your country

    6-How you spent your last summer holiday.
    7-The role of youth in the progress of the

    8-The benefits of mobile phones.
    9-Your hopes and plans for the future.

    10- A popular sport in your country.
    11- A world champion you will never forget.
    12- Our duties towards our parents.
    13- How can we encourage children to read.
    14- A person’s fight against nature.
    15- What people should do to prevent illness.
    16- One of your good friends.
    17- The job you would like to be in the future.
    18- A place you visit and you will never forget.
    19- A man or woman you admire much and you’d
    like to follow his or her example.

    20-The qualities needed for good teachers.
    21- Means of transport in the future.


    · It gives me honour to write this letter to you.
    · I’m very happy to write this letter to you.
    · I was very happy to receive your kind letter.
    · It’s a great pleasure to write this letter to you.

    Some kinds of letters

    (Would you like to come to -------------)
    (I’d like to invite you to -----------------)
    (I’ll be very happy if you can come to ------)


    (I’m so sorry that ----------------------------)
    (I’m afraid but I -------)
    ( I must apologize for ----------------------)


    (Congratulations on ------------------------)
    ( I congratulate you on -------------------)

    Best wishes
    Goodbye for now
    See you soon
    Love from

    1- Write a letter to your pen friend John who lives in New York telling him about pollution in
    Cairo and its causes and solutions. Ask him to reply to your letter and suggest
    other solution for the problem. Your name is Hossam and you live at 25 Ramses
    street, Cairo.

    2- Write a letter to your pen friend Ann who lives in London telling her that it is convenient to
    visit Egypt in winter, giving her reasons for that choice and advise her what
    clothes she should bring with her. Recommend the places of interest she will
    visit in Egypt. Your name is Ayah and you live in 21 Abbassia Street, Cairo.

    3- Write a letter to your friend Jehan telling her about the possible health problems which people have nowadays and ask her to reply to your letter and suggest solution.
    Your name is Huda and you live at 23 Al-Galaa Street, Damietta.

    4- Write a letter to your friend Alaa who lives in Port Said. She has passed her exams.
    Congratulate her. Your name is Sarah and you live at 14 Fikry Zaher Street , Damietta.

    5- Your name is Yasmine and you live at 88 Ahmed Orabi Street, Giza.
    Write a letter to Helena, a tourist you have met in Sharm ElSheikh. Ask her to tell her friends about the beautiful places she has seen in Egypt and to encourage them to visit Egypt.

    6- Read the following letter and reply to it:
    You live at 17 Saad Zaghlol Street, Damietta.
    Dear Ayah,
    I’m sorry for not writing to you for long. I heard
    from Huda that you had been to London for an operation. How are you now? I’d
    like to hear from you. You know I’ll be sitting for the final exam the whole of
    the next two weeks. I promise, I will visit you as soon as I finish.


    Translate into Arabic

    1- Infection can pass on from one person to another.
    2- The Internet is used for many different purposes.
    3- Exhaust fumes damage health and the environment.
    4- The brain controls everything man does.
    5- If any man works hard, he will increase his income and enjoy a high standard of living.
    6- Air pollution is a problem that worries people everywhere.
    7- Sports stars should give something back to their country.
    8- Cleanliness plays an important role in preventing many kinds of infections and keeping us healthy.
    9- Don’t miss a chance to visit Paris and see the Eiffel Tower.
    10- Our world has become smaller than before due to modern means of communication.
    11- It is expected that the world ‘s oil supplies will run out, so scientists are looking
    for new sources of energy.
    12- Egypt has tourist attractions which represent all ages.
    13- Education is considered the cornerstone of achieving progress in Egypt.
    14- If people have fewer children, they will lead a better standard of living.
    15- Egypt is a pioneering country in protecting children against work hazards.
    16-Child workers work for long hours in dangerous jobs.
    17- Ahmed won the Egyptian primary tennis championship.
    18- As a boy, he used to go to the library every week.
    19-Physicians have proved that those who do not smoke at all live a longer and healthier life than those who smoke.
    20- Food for all is the major problem of the world today.
    21- All the members of a family can participate in making home clean.
    22- The rise in the temperature of Earth is one of the environmental problems.
    23- Our world has become a small village due to rapid means of communication.
    24- Food shortage is one of the great problems that face humanity.
    25- Today scientists are trying to develop other sources of energy to meet our increasing needs.
    26- Tourism is one of the most important bases of the Egyptian economy.
    27-Thanks to the computer and the Internet, we become acquainted with what is going on around the world.
    28- The underground water in the Western Desert will help change the desert into green land.
    29- Criminals and thieves should be punished.
    30- Public parks are nice places where we can enjoy beautiful flowers and fresh air.
    31- Exploring planets may help us find other sources of energy.
    32- Thanks to modern technology, we lead a comfortable life.
    33- Fast food restaurants are very popular in the USA.
    34- Giraffes have excellent hearing and keen senses of smell and sight which help in scenting danger.
    35- Scientific researches have proved that the early experiences of childhood affect man’s character.
    36- The wide spread of bird flu in Egypt and other countries has caused a lot of fear and horror.
    37- Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak has led a campaign to set up projects for the sake of the Egyptian child.
    38- Only the individual himself can develop his given potentials.
    39- Reading helps us to increase our information to be aware of many things in life.
    40- Man does his best to realize his dreams of prosperity and a good standard of living.
    41- Children should enjoy their rights as other grown-ups do.
    42- Ibrahim thinks the human brain is incredible.
    43- Have you ever visited Aswan?
    44- Neil Armstrong was the first person to step on the moon.
    45- The Arab had a great civilization in the past.
    46- In 1999, the Egyptian scientist Ahmed Zewail got the Nobel Prize for chemistry because
    he made a great discovery, the femtosecond.
    47- We should plant trees to produce oxygen and to help to keep the air clean.
    48- The person I admire most is my grandfather who showed me how to do a lot of things
    and told me about my family in the past.
    49-The brain helps us to learn and remember as it stores past memories.
    50- You mustn’t leave dirty dishes lying around because flies may land on them and pass their germs on to you.
    51- When King Lear finds out how much Cordelia loves him, he feels ashamed, sorry, foolish and guilty.
    52- A satellite navigation system helps you to find where you are, by using satellites.
    53-Fiction books and stories are about imaginary people and events.
    54- The qualities that make sports stars are working hard, practising every day and co-operating with others.
    55- You have to do exercise regularly to keep fit.
    56- If I want to relax, I read a book or listen to music.
    57- My father is very knowledgeable about Egyptian history.
    58- It is important for cities to have symbols to identify and represent the city, as they are useful for tourist agencies as a way of advertising the city.
    59- The turning point in King Lear is that he finds out that he has made a terrible mistake.
    60- Dr Zahi Hawass, the most famous Egyptian archaeologist in the world, is interested in brining ancient things back to Egypt from museums in other countries.

    Translate into English

    1-هل سبق لك ان قمت بزيارة لندن او باريس؟
    2- البيئة هامة جدا فى حياتنا لذا يجب ان نزرع الاشجار فى كل مكان.
    3- التلوث البيئى من اخطر المشاكل التى تهدد
    حياة الانسان.

    4- يعانى الناس فى المدن الكبيرة من تلوث الماء و الهواء.
    5- اقترح ابى ان نذهب الى الاسكندرية اثناء الاجازة الصيفية.
    6- ان الصديق الحقيقى هو الذى يقف بجانبك وقت الحاجة و يشاركك افراحك و
    احزانك.(الصديق الجيد هو الذى تجده وقت الحاجة)

    7- ان النظافة هامة للغاية لمنع مثير من انواع العدوى.
    8- الصفات الخاصة التى يجب ان تتحلى بها الممرضات هى الصبر و القوة و
    الاهتمام بالمرضى.

    9- اقترح على زميللك احسن طريقة لتعلم و تذكر كلمات و عبارات اللغة

    10- ارغب فى العمل كمترجم بعد التخرج من الجامعة.
    11- الاماكن التاريخية و الاهرامات و المتاحف هى اماكن تجذب السياح لزيارة

    12- يجب ان نرشد من استهلاك
    الكهرباء و المياه حتى نوفر قدرا من المال المدفوع فى الفواتير.

    13- يعد السفر من احد الوسائل الهامة للمعرفة.
    14- لا يمكن بالمال شراء السعادة او الصحة او الحب.
    15- يقدم التلفاز البرامج التعليمية الناجحة بالاضافة الى المبارايات و

    16- على الناس ان يمشوا كثيرا ويقللوا من استخدام سياراتهم ليصبحوا اصحاء.
    17- كنت ضمن المشاركين فى فى المؤتمر الاسبوع الماضى
    18- لقد انهيت عملى بالامس قبل السفر الى الخارج.
    19-هل يمكنك التعامل مع التكنولوجيا الحديثة؟
    20- الدكتور زاهى حواس عالم اثار مشهور.
    21- عبر ابو هيف القنال الانجليزى.
    22- عليك ان تراجع دروسك جيدا قبل اداء الامتحان.
    23- يجب ان تتبع قواعد النظافة الشخصية لكى تقى نفسك من الامراض المعدية.
    24- نصحنى الطبيب بالامتناع عن التدخين لانه ضار بالصحة.
    25- يعتبر التليفزيون من اهم الاختراعات فى القرن العشرين فهو يعطينا الصوت
    و الصورة معا.

    26- ياتى الكثير من السياح الى مصر لمشاهدة أثارها.
    27- تم تحويل كثير من السيارات التى تعمل بالبنزين لكى تعمل بالغاز

    28- لا تقترض كثيرا من المال حتى لا تستدين.
    29- يتمنى المصريون الاشتراك فى بطولة كاس العالم القادمة.
    30- يتمنى المصريون استعادة الاشياء الاثرية مثل حجر رشيد من الخارج.
    31- ان زيادة التلوث هى من نتائج التكنولوجيا و النمو السكانى.
    32- تنتقل بعض الامراض المعدية من شخص الى أخر بسبب عدم النظافة.
    33- تقع مصر على الساحل الشمالى الشرقى من افريقيا.
    34- يجب ان تكون ودودا و مؤدبا مع الاخرين.
    35- يجب ان نشجع الاطفال على القراءة و الذهاب الى المكتبات.
    36- لو كنت اكثر طولا لالتحقت بفريق كرة السلة.
    37- لا يمكننا مسايرة الدول المتقدمة بدون استخدام الكومبيوتر فى كل












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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الثلاثاء مايو 14, 2024 4:22 pm